
The Famous Lushan in Jiangxi Tour

Poyang Lake Basin is located in northern Jiangxi Lushan, Jiujiang Lushan District territory, near Poyang Lake, south of the Yangtze Xiongzhi, Sanshanwuyue in one of three mountains. Hill takes the shape of an oval, a typical horst block mountain-style long segment about 25 km and a width of 10 km stretch of more than 90 mountain peaks, like a nine fold screen, shielding the northern gate of Jiangxi. To male, strange, dangerous, world-famous show, known as "Kuang Qixiu best in the world" reputation. Qingfeng Siouluan towering tall and straight, spray snow Minglei Silver Spring waterfalls and fast-changing sea of ​​clouds wonders, Chun Kit Kat show of landscape architecture, to show the charm of Lushan. Sheng Xia Ruchun Lushan particularly cool climate for the foreign tourists longing, is renowned scenic area and summer resorts. Ancient poem very much, Li Bai is particularly famous.

Kuang Chuan Zhou Brothers have seven mountains religious, Jie Lu for the homes, because the name Lushan. Also known as Kuang Shan, chronicle. Han Emperor Ming (58 to 75 years in office) is one of the centers of Buddhism in China. 6 ~ 8th century and the Taoist poet, resident scholar, Taoist temples all over. Famous historical site has Bailudong, Fairy Cave, Sandiequan, Han Pokou and so on. Mountain cool in summer, in July the average temperature 21.9 ℃, the famous summer resort. Rivers and lakes water vapor stagnation, clouds filled the air, the average annual fog day 190 days, a "not know the truth," said. Mountain Brighter Summer Day, also known as bull Ridge to a large rock shaped like a bull named, 1,056 meters above sea level. Qing dynasty, has for Britain, France and the United States to force rent account. Recover the beginning of 1935. Is the construction of nursing homes, retreat and so many. Lushan Botanical Garden, due to topographic barriers, sub-tropical, subtropical plants grow well in this domestication. In 2009, China won the world record Lushan Botanical Garden Association subtropical mountains of China's first botanical garden. Chinese geologist Li Siguang Lushan has made during the Quaternary glacier, the international academic attention. Lushan is therefore an important place for natural science research.

