
The Ancient Silk Road Tour

The ancient china tibet tours Silk Road, the starting point of China's Chang'an (now Xi'an). Chang is the capital of the Han and Tang Dynasty, was concentrated around the silk and other commodities in the Cheung later, and then by national businessmen to bundles of raw silk and a silk piece, loaded with paint and leather wrapped in linen, and the mighty composition of the caravan, climbed the plateau of Shaanxi and Gansu, over Wushaoling through Gansu, Wuwei, through the Hexi Corridor, arrived at the Western roads on Dunhuang. After the Qinghai is also an important channel Silk Road, then west is the Taklimakan Desert in Xinjiang.

Ever since Zhang Qian, China and Central Asia and Europe rapidly increased commercial exchanges. Throughout Asia and Europe through this avenue, China silk, silk, damask, satin, silk and other silk products, continuously transported to Central Asia and Europe, therefore, Greece, Rome known as the Seres country China, said human race China Rees people. The so-called "Seres" or "Silk" was intended. As the "Silk Road" of the name, in this way more than 7,000 km long, silk and porcelain in China, tibet tour package as the same origin, became a symbol of civilization and prosperity in East Asia.

Westerners naming "silkroad" since the German geographer Friedrich Richthofen (Richthofen), the German Hermann (Albert.Herrman) before, which people put the "silk road" concept expanded to the entire economy and culture of ancient Chinese and foreign exchange. Silk Road, the "Desert Silk Road", "Marine Silk Road" and "Prairie Silk Road" three concepts.

Ten centuries, the ancient Silk Road to China's culture and India, the Roman and Persian culture, linked to China's silk, gunpowder, papermaking and printing of these great inventions spread to the West, will also Buddhism, Nestorian and Islam and related art to China. Since ancient times, the people of the Silk Road has been the friendly exchanges between Chinese and foreign bonds and bridges. Is a landmark international channels. Through this ancient road, the ancient Chinese culture, Indian culture, Persian culture and Arab culture and the helter-skelter Peter ancient Greek, Roman culture, linking, promoting the exchange of Eastern and Western civilizations.

With the pace of development of Western China, the Silk Road in silence for a few centuries later, and renewed her past glory. Today, tourists can also have this history along the road to enjoy browsing the beautiful Western scenery; introduction of reverie to visit the monuments, you can also enjoy the artistic riches of caves, shrines and relics ... and all this will make people feel to the dawn of the era are the Pacific off China. For more information, please shift to Holidays in China

